I just came on an unusual problem. I'm fixing a
power supply with +12 and +5 outs. It uses 2
723 regulators. The one on the +12 was blown.
Just to conmfirm these are dfinietly supposed to be 723s (and not some
other regualtor chip that is pin compatible but has a different reference
voltage. I do recall other 'PSU kit chips' existing.
I bought another 723 regulator and it didn't
seem to be working.
I checked the voltages and noticed that the
5 volt one that is working fine=2C has a Vref of
about 3 volts while the new one has a Vref
of 7 volts.
Looking at the specs=2C it is suppose to be 7 Volts.
Every 723 I've ever used (and I've come across ones that are 40 years
old) have had a 7V reference or thereabouts.
Is this a metal-can or a DIP package? The reason I ask is I might be
convinced to look through databooks for a similar device with a 3V
reference./ And what is the origin (in parcilar what country) of the PSU?