From: "Tony Duell" <ard at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:55 PM
of it goes overseas. Supposedly this is coming
from the Department of
Homeland Security and has something to do with 9/11. (Have you noticed
every new, rediculous requirement is in response to 9/11?) This is a
When the terrible events of 9/11 occured, one of my first comments was 'I
fear the reaction of the governments more than I fear the terrorists'.
Govenments have a habit of over-reacting, particularly if it means they
can impose more restrictions on the public...
Over here, you can be arrested for 'possessing information of use to a
terrorist'. Let's looks along my bookshelves...
The 555 timer data sheet
Data sheets on various other timing chips
Electronic magazines with timing circuits in them
Various books on mechanical and electronic clocks (clocks have long since
been an interst of mine)
Books on chemistry
Books on nuclear and particle physics (not suprising as I did a Ph.D. i
the latter)
Books on metalworking
A London street map
A London underground railway map
Care to explain why those are not of use to terrorists. For that matter a
cookery book is of use to a terrorist (presumably they have to eat
A friend of mine was a weapons office on a USN sub, one day we were talking
about terrorists making a bomb. He started by saying the technology is
above their heads. My response was get a bucket and put enough fissionable
material in it and boom.
He said it wouldn't be efficient and you wouldn't no when it would blow, I
said who cares if you have a nuclear explosion in a major city that's