Tim Shoppa wrote:
And don't bother lecturing me about not having
food and solder in the
same place. We all grew up with solder when we were kids, and everyone
knows that WE'RE PERFECTLY NORMAL now that we're adults!
(I am a little worried about all the rosin/lead smoke I have inhaled,
but I still eat & drink
coffee at my bench...)
I tried to put a few pdf's on the small kindle I have (for exactly the
purpose you mentioned) but I
didn't have much luck formatting them to look good.
specifically I wanted the pdp 11 handbook, but it came out sideways and
I could not figure out
how to fix it.
If anyone comes up with well formatted pdp 11 & pdp 8 handbooks for the
small kindle I'll
sure contribute to your beer fund.
has anyone else tried or have a good formula?