On 2 March 2016 at 17:50, <steven at malikoff.com> wrote:
The I/O for the machine was (I believe) an ASR-35 the
bigger brother to the ASR-33. I couldn't take it, it was
wedged in behind the other racks and I had only a limited amount of time to load the
equipment before I had to
head back interstate to home. I did not see any sign of the optional I/O Selectrics shown
in the brochure, as I
would definately have liked to have found those if I could have! I don't think this
machine had them, only the
ASR-35, as no printout I found appeared to be done by a Selectric.
You definitely want that 35ASR. They're absolute tanks, and you could
probably bring it back up with a bit of oil and grease from its
current state (I exaggerate somewhat).
The Model 35 series of Teletypes just isn't as common as the Model 33
machines (though I think the "rarest" 35 right now is either the 35KSR
or 35RO; with the 35ASR being more common). They are definitely
worthwhile to have, since their mechanism is more robust and sturdy
than the mechanism of the Model 33, since the Model 35 is based on the
older (5-bit) Model 28 mechanisms (extended to 8-bit).
Christian M. Gauger-Cosgrove
Contact information available upon request.