both the 360 / 50 and the 2116 were very large units.
?the /50 had 1.5mb of
memory added along with other options.
Yes, model 50 installations could fill an entire big room or two. But
a big 2116? Four or five standard HP racks, if it were tricked out
with the entire shooting match? Still sounds high for pure scrap
the 2116 had an expansion unit. ?As I said both values
were hearsay, but
were in response to inquiries to buy the units. ?I simply didn't have the
resources then to think about it, which is sad. ?both would still be around.
Yes, been there too.
And sometimes people quote big money for an item just to scare people
away. At the last MIT fest, I quoted one of the audio guys $800 for my
Scott 340B, just because I did not want him around my table. It