>>>> "Jules" == Jules Richardson
<julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
Jules> Strange how they don't interleave the first couple of
Jules> cylinders for the Rainbow. Why is that? It there some
Jules> situation where it's necessary to write some form of boot
Jules> sectors on the disk in order?
I have no idea. I just quoted what I learned some years past (which
is what that comment reports). I no longer remember where I learned
it, and I never heard *why* it was done this way.
Jules> For RT11 it sounds like there are issues with the hardware
Jules> finding the index hole and being able to react in time to read
Jules> the first sector on the track, hence the offset within the
Jules> track to the first logical block on that track?
It's not really RT11 that's the issue here, the original RX50 was in
the PRO. It has a typically crude PRO disk controller, with a single
sector buffer on the I/O card that is filled or emptied by the OS
driver one byte at a time. Shades of IDE PIO mode. The hard disk
works the same way!
Anyway, my assumption is that the interleave parameters -- both the
sector interleave and the track skew -- were chosen to optimize
performance. This is a common technique in older storage systems with
limited buffering; for example, CDC used it in its 60 bit mainframes.
The sector interleave allows you to move the data from the controller
to host memory and then catch the next logical sector without having
to wait a whole revolution. Track skew lets you do a single cylinder
head step and then catch the next logical sector on the same
revolution. All this assumes some specific system timing -- in this
case, presumably the F11 CPU and the PRO bus and controller timings.
The later controllers for other DEC machines inherited this format for
backwards compatibility -- it's quite unlikely that it actually is
needed for performance in those faster machines with better