Hi, ClassicCmp. I know this is poor etiquette, but
I'm not subscribed, so
please send any responses directly to me.
I'm interested in nabbing a couple of way obscure machines sitting in NY.
They might not be available after a week elapses, and they're too big to
ship cheaply (the machines themselves are under 100lbs each, but the docs
add another 200lbs or so, and the machines are about as wide as a desk).
So, was anybody planning on a nice drive from NY to CA in a big station
wagon any time soon?
Short of that, would a NY collector be willing to nab this stuff on my
behalf and store it until I can find a good way of getting it here?
Even shorter of that, any suggestions on the cheapest way to ship
300-400lbs of unwieldy stuff cross-country?
Just give us all the details and maybe one of the greedy eBums will buy it
and put it up for auction. Then some idiot can pay an inflated price for
it, keep it a few years then sell it cheap someplace closer to you.