I know it has been discussed a billion times before...
My personal measure has nothing to do with the 20 year rule - I use the
introduction of the PC as the end of the Vintage era. IBM made the
computing industry standard and boring.
Anything pre - 1982 is interesting, anything post 1982 is a boat anchor...
Doug Jackson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 1:59 PM, allison via cctalk <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
On 02/25/2018 09:06 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
On Sun, 25 Feb 2018, Bill Degnan via cctalk
What is vintage computing?
I think it's the IBM PC. Anything else is not vintage computing.
Frankly, I'm shocked.
I could have understood, if you were to have chosen Atari, Superbrain,
Commodore 64, or Coleco Adam. Anything other than those, . . .
Just wow!
Set reaction$mode=sarcasm/troll
Does he mean my 1973 PDP-8f, or maybe the Altair, TRS80, or my LSI-11/03
is not?
Heck I don't even keep PCs as collectible, oops I do have a random
Ratshack HX1000.