What does one call an SBC6120 btw. The Harris
CPU is I guess "Vintage" as it seems to date from
pre-1990 but the board is modern, its not a "clone"
as such is it? Or? a replica or reproduction?
That's an interesting question. For VCFSE 1.0, one
of my displays was sort of a poster session on what,
for lack of a better term, I called neoclassicism. It
included a taxonomy with several types of modern
projects related to vintage computing: simulators,
replicas, reproductions, recreations, neoclassic
designs, and augmentation. At least in that taxonomy,
the SBC6120 probably best fits the neoclassic
design category.
Of course, that's just one taxonomy, and I certainly
don't suggest it's the definitive one.
P.S. For the bored, curious, academic, or pedantic,
here are the definitions that I suggested for these
Simulators: Software running on general purpose
systems that mimics the behavior of classic machines.
Replicas: Copies of specific machines built to the
original designs.
Reproductions: New construction of classic models
of computer based on the original designs, possibly
with modifications making modern production more
Recreations: Functional equivalents of classic deisgns
using modern components.
Neoclassic Designs: New designs using classic techniques
and components.
Augmentation: New designs that interface to classic