On 5 Sep 2009 at 11:04, Tom Peters wrote:
Especially if you have unlimited funds :-)
Like electronics, wood is where you find it. My workbench top is
made up of glued-up 1x2 rock-maple drawer slides (set on the 1x side)
that I bought from a cabinet shop when they went to ball-bearing
slides. I paid $10 for the pallet load--they were going to sell it
for firewood because each piece had a groove in it.
My workbench is weighed down with about 400 lbs of Garry oak slabs
from a downed 300 year old tree (I own a big chainsaw
and an Alaska
mill for just such occasions).
I'm finishing rebuilding a balcony here on the house that the ants
got into. The deck (under the membrane) is 3/4" MDO plywood (paper
one side, the other side is a sanded "A" veneer picked up as surplus
from a concrete contractor. I was going to do the
railing from clear
western red-cedar, but the local lumberyard stock clerk asked me
I'd be interested in some clear Port Orford-cedar that someone had
dropped off for half the price, as his commercial contractors
wouldn't touch it. Most of the small amount that gets logged here is
sent to Japan to build coffins and temples--you never see it being
sold by retailers. After working with it, I'm sorely tempted to go
back and make an offer to take his remaining stock for some future
Re-using wood is another route. I've got lots of stuff made from
reused old-growth wood. It's nothing like the stuff you find at Home
I'm certain that other listers will have similar stories about
electronics gear picked up on the outside chance that someday they
might someday find a use for it.