I use an old Needham's PB-10 EPROM programmer.
Best device programmer
ever, as far as I'm concerned. It's fast, reliable, and the software is so
nice and easy to use. Only problem - it's old, and doesn't support 16 bit
devices. I really need to be able to program 27c160 and 27c322 devices.
I had one, and it was excellent...15 years ago :)
So, I built an adapter. I bought a 16bit adapter
intended for those cheap
and nasty Willem programmers. I made some minor modifications to use it
with my Needhams, and added toggle switches for the upper address lines.
Now, I can program larger devices in chunks. This worked perfectly for the
couple of chips I had at the time - two 27c160's and two 27c800's.
IF the program algorythm (wow, I forgot how to spell it!) is right for
the bigger devices! :oO
On chips with a date code before about 2000, the die
is larger, and none
of these want to program. On chips with a date code after 2000, the die is
smaller, and some of them program perfectly, others get most of the way
through before erroring out.
Had the same problem here in Brazil. To the point I had to specificaly
ask the supplier the '160 with "4 squares" (the smaller die is divided in 4,
the bigger in 6). This is **very common** to happen if you don't have a GOOD
The only programmer that worked was a Beeprog+ I had access. Now I use
a Wellon VP-280 (china!) and it works with both kinds of memory, like the
Now, I'm stumped. I *really* want to make this
programmer program these
chips. It does everything else properly, including
Redo the DOS program? :)
Basically, I am wondering if any of our resident gurus
have seen behavior
like this with EPROMs, and if there may be anything I can do to shorten
pulses, buffer, or something to get this to program... or, if anyone just
*happens* to have the source code to the EMP software laying around
I believe it will be cheaper to buy a new/good programmer. VP280 costs
less than a hundred bucks and it outperforms anything you can think of in a
Failing that, does anyone have a suggestion of an
EPROM programmer that I
can buy that will program 27c160's. Preferably something that can be
operated from DOS over a parallel or serial port, or better yet, an ISA
Though question! :o)
Greetings from Brazil,
Alexandre Souza, PU1BZZ