Hi, gang.
Over the weekend, I picked up an old audio-to-TTL or RS-232
interface at a hamfest (AEA CP-1, for those of you who know what
it is....) with joystick-port TTL cable, but no RS-232 components
installed. (That might be a project for later, since I have the
book/schemo/parts list).
I want to use either one of my C-64's or one of my IIe's with the
interface, but I lack the necessary software. Since we all love old
software, and I know several of us are hams, I figured this would be
as good a place as any to start looking.
If I can't find anything, I'll try installing the RS-232 components to
the motherboard and see if I can get a regular serial port to work
and try it on my pc. But I'd really rather use the older machines for
this. CW receive/decode is a priority, since I can still send with a
paddle, and I'd like to try decoding some RTTY if possible.
Can anyone help?
Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions