Since I have no dependants, no close family, and
to be honsest few
people will miss me when I am gon, I would rather have an enjoyable
life than a long one.
Well, I suppose classiccmpers may be "few people" in the grand scheme
Based on soem of the flames here, it's a subset of classiccmpers who will
miss me.
of things, but I suspect I speak for most of us when I
say we most
definitely will miss you when you go.
Firstly, it would not surpprsie me if I am nto the first clasiccmp to
pass away. Or the last for that matter. Those who go ebfore me wil , by
definition, not miss me.
And see my other reply. You have actually never met me (AFAIK). You know
me by what I post here. So if I made changes to my lifestyle which
changed what I was able to post then yo might miss me even though I was
still alive.
So as I said, I think I would prefer the enjoyable life Ihave now, to a
longer, but less pelasant one.