In article <200704241523.43289.pat at>,
Patrick Finnegan <pat at> writes:
Usually when I
see a Challenge or Onyx in a photo I see a cabinet
that is half the height of these and that includes space for all the
boards and drives. So what would you need the extra cabinet space
for? More boards and drives or just more drives?
It's a different system from the 1/2 height Challenge L and Onyx. (This
is "full height" not "double height".) I gave up two Challenge XLs
about a month ago, and still have a (prototype) Onyx similar to that
Basically, the chassis have more slots than the 1/2 rack version.
OK, I'd only ever seen the half-height varities then. I wonder if
they have the full height version because they needed more slots for
fancy cards :-).
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