On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:58 PM, geneb <geneb at deltasoft.com> wrote:
Well it IS an open source project, so you could always
have a set of boards
made here via Seeedstudio or Oshpark.
I have pretty good resources right here at the edge of town. I had a
design fabricated about 2 years ago - a 3"x3" AVR board for driving a
clock with 72 LEDs - $35 each (q. 100), PCB, components _and_
assembly, local PCB, local robotic assembly. Similar complexity and
part count to the SCSI2HD, which is why I said it would take a lot of
units to get the cost (not the price) below $30. Fortunately a big
chunk of the NRE cost is the solder stencil. That's expensive for 10
boards and noise-level for 500 boards. For 100 boards, it's a few
bucks each of the cost.
Yes, I can solder my own SMT parts. That's not a limiting factor.