There is a simple work around which requires a bit
of soldering to a short piece of 10 pin cable, but then
the READ ONLY button can't be used very well
and is not independent for both drives. I imagine that
Tony could add a bit more with a switch that would
work much better. If you don't ever use the READ
ONLY button, then the simple work around will
be sufficient.
Do I hear my name being taken in vain :-)
I've not looked into the documentation for the BA23 and associated bits,
but I cna';t believe it's beyond me to work it out :-). Do scheamtics of
the frontpanel boards exist anywhere, for example?
Normally when doing a modification like htis, the part that takes the
time (and maybe skill) is finding a suitable switch that will fit the
panel and look right alongside the otehrs. And if you can't get such a
part modifying the panel to take the closest match you can find.