puzzled when people don't realize you can buy something NEW for less
than a bid price.
This is something that really drives me crazy. This isn't simply a problem
I could have been caught by this too (but wasn't...). As you know, I am
looking at multimeters at the moment. I've seen some very nice Agilent
bench instruments on E-bay with B-I-N that I could just about afford. And
then I found I could get them new from a reputable UK supplier for less.
I'm not saying, of course, that the E-bay seller is in any way
disreputable, but if I am goign to spend that sort of money I would
rather go to a company that I _know_ I can trust...
with eBay either, I frequently see this on Craigslist
for the stuff I
monitor it for.
I recently ran into just this issue at a Camera store that takes
consignments. They had a very nice used book on Paper Negatives I was
interested in. I almost bought it, but couldn't bring myself to pay what
they wanted. Then I learned you could not only get the book new still, but
that it was on Amazon for 2/5ths what the store wanted. Needless to say a
new copy of the book is sitting on my desk at this moment.
Of coruse sometimes the older edition is rarer and thus more valuable to
a collector. Personally, I have books fot hte information they contain...