On Mon, 4 Jun 2018 at 09:40, Dave Wade via cctalk <cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
Just to say I now have a bootable copy of the OS on SD
Well done!
I got caught out because OS2 wildcarding works like
UNIX wild carding, not MSDOS wild carding.
So in order to back up the "C" drive you need "XCOPY C:\* ...". I
instinctively used "*.*" which misses out a whole bunch of files, especially
those used by the code page conversion routines.
I did not know that. O_o
Getting a Thinkpad running OS/2 is still on my to-do list...
Whilst it boots cleanly (and quietly). The machine is
noticeably slower on SD card so I think I might have to try a RAID or other fast/wide SCSI
solution once I have good backups of the other drives.
That's very surprising.
Might CF be quicker than SD? CF is a PATA bus, SD is a multiplexed
serial (or nearly) bus, AIUI.
Failing that, there are 2 real-SSD options: either:
[1] PATA SSD -- they still exist but they're relatively expensive.
[2] an MSATA SSD in a PATA convertor. Small MSATA drives are cheap --
I bought 64GB for ~?30 last autumn -- and the convertor cradles are
about a tenner.
That only leaves the problem of getting a PS/2 to talk to IDE... ;-)
Liam Proven - Profile:
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