I hadn't started this DEC Alpha 3000-300 since last summer, and booted
it up so I could load the new PAK's the other day.
The result was that it completes almost the entire OpenVMS startup, but
then crashes with the following:
%SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 64, current interactive value = 0
**** OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V8.4???? - BUGCHECK ****
** Bugcheck code = 000001CC: INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL
** Crash CPU: 00000000??? Primary CPU: 00000000??? Node Name: A300
** Highest CPU number:??? 00000000
** Active CPUs:?????????? 00000000.00000001
** Current Process:?????? DECW$STARTUP
** Current PSB ID:??????? 00000001
**** Starting selective memory dump at? 8-NOV-2018 21:57...
The disk is a SCSI2SD board with an 8 GB SD card.? It had been running
just fine, until now.
Does this crash point to a hardware or software problem?