On 30 Dec 2009 at 9:49, Fred Cisin wrote:
No big deal.
I assume that was the 80186.
How was the timing of the 80188? (did it also try to do anything with
Somewhat different BIU architecture on the 80188. BHE/-S7 is always
high on the 188, and data's never multiplexed onto A15-A8. The
execution timing's the same on both chips, according to the
datasheet. So if anything is being done with AH, you don't have any
way of seeing it.
What *is* documented is doing word I/O on the 188--it's converted by
the BIU to two 8-bit transfers from port and port+1.
The behavior that the OP noted with the 186 seems to be documented in
graphic form in the BIU section of the 186 Microprocessor User's
Manual at:
Not only does BHE/ signal which half of the 16-bit bus to use during
outpuf, but on input, the interface circuitry is allowe to drive all
16 data bus bits, even if BHE/ and A0 signal a byte transfer. So the
behavior can be reciprocal.