On Sat, 31 May 2008, Josh Dersch wrote:
Anyone out there use a composite->VGA upscaler for
their classic computing
and/or gaming needs?
I purchased a Highway Model 100 RGB --> VGA converter for my Apple IIGS.
After some fiddling with the cable wiring (it uses a SCART connector for
input), results are reasonably good.
Just picked up a Wei-Ya ACV-011 CGA --> VGA converter board with the
intention of using it with a Commodore 128 (and possibly Amiga). It
doesn't have a true TTL input, but there is a C128 enthusiast out there
who published a small circuit to do the RGBI --> CGA interface.
I still do not have a workable solution to bridge Apple II (not GS)
composite video. That's the one that really has the non-standard format.