I find it distracting, to be honest. Plus it seems to
have the effect of
encouraging people to be lazy and no do any sort of proof-reading of their
work before submitting; they rely on spell-checking as they go and so don't
bother doing any kind of proper final check.
I can understand complaints that it's distracting (it should be an option,
and I think it is). Or that it's not that accurate, but lets be serious,
what spell checker is. I was always forgeting to run what I'd typed up
through a spell checker, now when I'm using systems/apps that support this
feature I can easily correct spellings when I read over it to ensure that it
makes sense.
(Oh, my other pet-peeve is things that
'suggest' text for you based on things
that you've typed before, often in a totally different context - it's
distracting having things pop up on screen randomly whilst working)
I hate this as well, and would like to add "Auto-correct" (I'd probably
this if it was easier to find, configure and turn on and off). It does work
great for "hte" -> "the" :^)