A copy of TeleDisk and a TeleDisk disk image and a PC
with a 5.25" drive
- preferably a 360k - is pretty much what you need. Because the o/s is
contained in the boot track, the usual copy commands don't quite fo it.
No, more likely there are some of the other jumpers set such that the
Kaypro doesn't like it. And yes, you can hang 3.5" drives on instead.
It means patching the BIOS to reflect the format differences, and of
course you cannot format to 1440k (HD). Allison has done the 3.5" thing,
I believe.
I'd love to know how this is done. :)
Also, on
www.psyber.com/~tjc/ it says there's
a western digital hard disk
controller. WD-1002-05 HDO. Is it possible to connect this to a K4? If so,
how? I don't see any open connectors on the motherboard offhand.
Apparently, you have the so called 4/83 that uses full height drives.
The 4/84s and 2Xs and 10s all had a 50 pin header that lead to an adapter
board, which in turn led - by way of a 40 conductor ribbon - to the WD HD
Actually the stickers on the back read "Kaypro 4 '84" and it has half
drives. The drive connector feeds directly to the main board. to the rear
of that is what appears to be a connector that wasn't ever attached - there are
holes but no connector.
Anyway, the
guy I got my K4 from has a K2 and a K2x - the latter of which
appears to be unable to boot, although I suspect reseating the chips would
solve it, and the former of which has a soda-contaminated keyboard with
some missing keys. If anyone's interested in these machines, let me know and
I'll forward your e-mail to him.
If in fact that is a K2 rather than a KII, it might have the 50 pin header
also. Kaypro played some games with model numbers, so it is a bit
difficult to be absolutely certain sometimes.
- don
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?