On 11/25/15 8:46 AM, Brad Parker wrote:
In 1987 gcc would compile to 68k quite well.
Before that I seem to
recall that there was also a C compiler from Standford, from sumex
(wow - do I still have those brain cells?). Remember sumex-aim ?
SumMacC. Anyway, I think the Kinetics fastpath was compiled with that
and I could swear I was using it as a C compiler on a vax-11/750
running mt. xinu in mid 80's. Find someone from pixar - they
were using it to compile Macintosh code. I don't know the lineage of
that compiler, but I think it was a port of something older.
SumMacC was based on MIT/LCS/Terman's port of pcc for the NuMachine
I thought I had the sources, but all I've been able to turn up is the
MIT compiler collection tape with
a bunch of obscure pcc ports.
Actually some of us might be interested in those pcc ports (targets?).
The BSTJ Unix issue mentioned a number of exotic Unix ports and I'd
always assumed the compilers for those platforms were no longer
findable. So it might be interesting to know what is on that tape.