On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, R. D. Davis wrote:
Did anyone hear that some bureaucrat, in charge of
purchasing for the
city of Los Angles, has sent a letter to all of the city's suppliers
of equipment, asking them not to use the "insenstive" words "master"
and "slave" in relation to equipment sold to the city? Maybe this
means that there will be a glut of politically incorrect surplus
computer equipment and documentation available there. Of course,
they'd probably recycle it into scrap so as to not risk offending
purchasers... too bad they don't just recycle the political
correctness into something else.
... and did you know why IBM uses "System Board" v "Motherboard"?
(hint: Black Panthers at Merritt College in Oakland)
"fixed disk" v "hard disk"? (hmmm, in a veterinary context?)
"pel" v "pixel"? (defined slightly differently)