I find
they [solderless breadboards] save time. Not so much because
it's faster to build something that way, but because it's a lot
easier to do experimental stuff that way, stuff that involves lots
of test-change-retest cycles,
That actually is one of my dislikes of them. They
encourage 'fiddle
until it seems to work' designing,
That's not what I'm talking about. Any tool can be misused, and that
My apologies. Actually, I didn;'t think you would do something like that...
But I've certainly met so-called 'designers' who change things until the
circuit seems ot work with no really understandign fo hy. They're akin to
'rogramms' who change loop limits, fiddle iwth conditional tests (invert
them, change AND to OR, etc until the progam seems to work. I am sure
many of use have met such people :-(
is a misuse of this one - nor is someone who engages
in that sort of
True... And the fact that a tool can be misueed is no reason not to
ever consider using it.