On 2013-08-13 12:26, Andrew Lynch wrote:
> Hi Ryan! Thanks! We need help with a dense,
fast DRAM/SDRAM/DDRx board in the worst way. Phat stacks of DDR RAM in the GBs and that
requires DDR encoder/decoder logic.
> Neither John nor I know anything about it other than it is quite complex. I've
used the old school DRAMs (4164) but they are nothing in comparison to DDRx or whatever
its called.
> Help! This is an urgent appeal. The S-100 80386 CPU board is basically boned
without a decent RAM board to go along with it. We have an 8MB SRAM board that works and
can design an 32MB SRAM board but that just gets you in the door.
Did you have a look at PSRAMs? I know, they only exists in BGA, but you
could put 4/8 on a small PCB an make a DIL out of it. The controller for
it would be definitely easier ...