Hi Guys,
Recently acquired a goodly amount of DEC gear - I had put the Q-BUS
stuff aside while I got the "all in one" VAXstation/VAXservers up and
running, but I'm starting to collect information - I've no experience
whatsoever with Q-bus, but from what I've read, I understand that it
will take a bit of research to determine how to properly configure
and position the boards.
I'm hoping that I have enough material to built up at least one
(possibly 2) nice little PDP-11's, and/or a MicroVax II)
At this point, all I'm really looking for is a good "starting point".
Can anyone recomment a good document/resources for a Q-bus newbie?
Btw, this is what I've got - If there's anything I'm obviously missing,
or will have to find extra parts for, please advise me so that I can
start looking...
Three chassis:
BA-23: complete with outer shell and end caps. It bears a
"MicroVAX II" label on the console switch panel, and has a
floppy drive (dual disk) installed in it.
I don't know the model numbers for the next two:
- One looks like a BA32 but smaller, and has the "3-switch" PDP
console/display panel on it. The cards are inserted from the
front beside the panel.
- The last one is the smallest, looks much like the one above,
complete with 3-switch console/display panel, however instead
of metal side/top/bottom plates, it has a "wire cage". It also
has a second expansion chassis of similar construction with no
power supply or console panel.
I've got the following DEC Q-BUS cards:
(Descriptions taken from the "Field Guide to Q-BUS and Unbus modules"
M3106 4-line async
M7264 11/03 processor with 4-Kword RAM
M7504 Ethernet adapter (older DEQNA)
M7546 TMSCP controller for TK50
M7555 Winchester and floppy disk controller
M7606 MicroVAX II KA630
M7608 x2 2/4 MB RAM (boards are fully populated)
M7940 x2 SLU Module
M7944 x3 4-Kword RAM
M7946 x2 RX01 floppy disk controller
M8043 x2 4-SLU peripheral interface
M8044DB x2 32Kword RAM
M8044DF x2 32Kword RAM
M8047 RAM, Async, ROMs
M8186 11/23 CPU
M9047 Grant continuity
M9400YA 120-ohm terminators with refresh & floppy boot
M9400YE Headers and 250 Ohm resistors
I've also got the following third party cards - I don't know
anything about these, other than the identifying marks found
on the boards listed below - if anyone can provide more
information on these, that would be helpful: (Several of them
appear to be media controllers of one sort or another).
Andromedia Systems UDC-11 rev H (50 pin connector at front edge)
Micro Technology Inc. MSV05B (x2) (50 pin connector at front edge)
TD Systems TDL-11H/A (50 pin connwctor at front edge)
Xylogics "Wizard 1" (50 pin connector at front edge)
SDC-RXVZ1 "8202 FD Controller" (50 pin connector at front edge)
Versatec LSI-11 P/P Interface (40 pin connector at front edge)
Sigma Information Systems Assy 40100
- This board has one 40 + one 50 pin connector, and a place to
populate another 40 pin - none are at the front edge.
W951 "Flip Chip"
- This board has places for various sized chips (most of them populated)
with pins to wire-wrap connections between them - looks like some sort
of prototyping board.
+ A couple of the little grant continuity boards.
I don't expect this to be a short journy, but it should be interesting...
Thanks in advance for any advice/tips.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: