Geoff Roberts wrote:
[I wrote]
The food of
the gods or one of the foulest tasting substances
on the planet, depending on who you ask. It's also, in effect,
a wonderful example of "waste stream utilization".
Interestng description.
Actually, I dropped the ball on that one. I meant to elaborate and
point out that the source of the yeast used to be the trub left
over from brewing, hence the "waste stream utilization" comment --
although I don't know if that's still the source.
The flavour is very strong, most people that try it
the first time put too
much on and get put off permanently,
Yes. I tell those new to Vegemite to fix buttered toast and then just
gently pass the knife with Vegemite over said toast -- about one step
more intimate than just showing the toast the jar. Properly introduced
the taste seems to grow on people.
Not unlike Bovril. (British beef based drink made
from a dark looking
Bovril! I'd actually forgotten about that stuff!
Oddly enough it can be rather pleasant, especially in
a gun pit at 3am on a
freezing, raining August morning when you are on guard duty and knee deep in
water, sipping it from a kidney cup. Because it's hot, smells good and you
ran out of coffee and sugar 3 hours ago.
*grins* Yeah, I can see that. The last time I had Bovril was at a
football game where it had been pissing down rain throughout the match.
We were all so miserable that it actually tasted good and we managed
to avoid asking (out loud at least) what the hell "beef extract" really
consisted of.
Chris Kennedy
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