On Jun 24, 2021, at 9:30 AM, Mark Matlock via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
On Jun 24, 2021, at 1:25 AM, Zane Healy
<healyzh at avanthar.com> wrote:
And all this time I thought that I wanted a VT525! How much are the VTLAN40?s going
If you explain to Mitch Miller at Keyways that you are a hobbyist, he will sell them
for $400,
at least he has in the past. He also has new and used LK411-AA keyboards. The last one I
bought was $190 for new. That seems expensive but it has the round connector like a PC
used to used for keyboard before USB. It might be possible to make an adapter to convert
an old VT420 keyboard to the round connector if one knew how the pin outs for each
LK201s use 4800 baud UART interfacing. PC keyboards with DIN connectors (PS-2) have a
very different type of interface, nothing like a UART. If the terminal you are talking
about wants a PS-2 keyboard, as my VT501 does, you need a protocol translator. It would
essentially be the reverse of the LK201 emulator for PS-2 keyboards I released a while
back, and possibly the same board could be used with a rather different program running on