That's kind of weird, I wouldn't have thought Martha Stewart would even
consider computers to be in her realm of influence.
I've actually though of painting a computer using Martha Stewartish
techniques...... like stamping or rag rolling or maybe some of that
stone fleck stuff. I haven't done it yet, Though. It will still be a
functioning computer, just a little more creative.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Russ Blakeman wrote:
Surprised she didn't preach using them as decorative items - a "good
-> Martha Stewart had a short radio column today
-> where She actually preached the ethics of classiccmpers.
-> That is, what do you do with old computers? Number 1
-> was don't toss it (yes), until you check with your local schools,
-> even if you are sure it is obsolete (yes), if you can't place
-> it this way, she continues by mentioning that some people
-> actually collect them as vintage (yes), and then brings up
-> eBay as a sort of last resort (sorry).
-> Good press that we all need.
-> John A.
-> Project Greenkeys.