Hey, Mr. Alderson:
Just so's somebody has actually said it out loud, thanks for posting the
job description. It's good to know that people who know of paying jobs
revolving around restoring classic computer equipment might actually
be willing to post them on this mailing list which (usually) revolves
around restoring classical computer equipment.
I'm sorry the signal-to-noise ratio has grown so noisy, and that a number
of people have seen fit to publicly argue over the employer's parameters
or express their shock that a company run and paid for by a Microsoft
co-founder might (gasp!) want the prospective employee to be capable of
using Microsoft communication tools. For what it's worth, I'm sure these
people think they're accomplishing something constructive. I suspect
people who shout a lot on the telephone also feel it accomplishes
something constructive, though their intended message doubtless gets
lost in the process.
Anyway: thanks! Hopefully this will not discourage you, or others, from
posting descriptions of relevant, paying jobs to CCTalk.
Hopefully. :/