I have the Nat Semi DM74LS471 on the device list of my
programmer, but
not the SN74S471. Any chance the programming algorithms are the same?
They probably are. Somewhere in the history of TI part numbers, they
changed some of the bipolar memories from the SN74xxx part number to
TBPxxx. I can't recall which way my parts are labeled, but they're
471s under the hood.
But I didn't think the National (DM74xxx) and Texas (SN74xxx) programming
algorithms were the same. I also seem to remember that at least one
manufactuerer changed the programming algorithm for their fusible link
pats at one point, probably accompanied by a change in part number. They
all read the same way, of course.
My Andromeda PROM programmer adapter calls out a slightly different Vpp
and pulse-width for some of the part families.