On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Rich Alderson <
RichA at livingcomputermuseum.org> wrote:
From: Josh Dersch
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 12:17 AM
I'd like to adapt it to provide 1280 byte
sectors so that it can be used
in Symbolics machines. I just ordered one and once I get settled in
after moving house I plan to play around with the firmware source.
2304 bytes, for use with a certain manufacturer's extended clone of a
mainframe. That's 512 words' worth of bits, the page size of the memory.
I had a brief chat with Michael, the SCSI2SD developer, and he's already
working on supporting 256 byte sectors, per user demand. I mentioned the
1280 byte sector thing and he's now considering making the sector size
completely configurable... so maybe this'll just work at some point in the
future. That'd be seriously useful.
- Josh
(It'd also be nice to be able to configure
the device to provide a
specific geometry, to satisfy hardware (or software) that only knows
about certain fixed drives, like the 3B2 1000's Unix installer. It
supports faking the Vendor ID, which is helpful...)
Also a nicety.
Rich Alderson
Vintage Computing Sr. Systems Engineer
Vulcan, Inc.
505 5th Avenue S, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
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