Yes, I did create a new kernel and copy it to the correct place and
chmod 644 the new unix file.
On my Debian system I can install ftpd and telnetd (they are still in
the Debian package list) which are the unsecure ones, but I don't know
how to configure them or start them.? As in, # systemctl? restart ftpd
It turns out to not be a hot topic: "How do I make my Liinux system less
secure?",? but for us that noodle around with old computers with
obsolete operating systems it is exactly what we need.? In the past I
remember using Filezilla to go from a Windows7 machine into a Vax
without any problem.
On 8/28/2021 12:54 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
On 8/28/21 12:43 PM, Douglas Taylor via cctalk wrote:
Its been fun? working with Ultrix-11 and have had
success with the
help of the list.? Thanks.? The tape file from Bill Gunshannon will
create a working system.? Yay!
I'm at the point of trying to network the SIMH pdp11 Ultrix-11 system.
I have a few observations:
1. The youtube video 'Ultrix-11' shows connecting to sunOS systems.
OK, he did this by simply issuing a single ifconfig command.? That
didn't work for me.
I assume you built a new kernel with the right networking interface
in it?? :-)
2. Instead, I used the netsetup script supplied with the system, and
had to reboot to get networking up.? I did seem to come up OK.
3. The SIMH FAQ suggests using a 2nd ethernet port, I was able to do
this.? The linux computer I am running SIMH on has 2 ports.
4. The Ultrix-11 telnet ftp are old, unsecure versions, how do you
connect to a modern Linux machine?? The Linux machines refuse the
All telnet and ftp connectionms are old and insecure. There is no such
thing as secure telnet or ftp (or rsh or finger, you get the picture).
If you wish to go from the Ultrix-11 system to the Linux system you
will need to explicitly turn on telnetd and/or ftpd.? Or, do the same
on Ultrix-11 and go the other way.? There is no ssh for Ultrix-11 and
I seriously doubt there ever could be.
5. I also looked at the tuhs archive.? The Fred build script that
generates a tk50 bootable tape image didn't work for me.? I
substituted a file for the tape device and it caused SIMH to Halt.
Don't remember what system I bult the tape on but I doubt it was
an Ultrix-11 system.? Probably a VAX runnning netbbsd under SIMH.