----- Original Message -----
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk(a)yahoo.co.uk>
Well for the most part they got it right - the Bent
Pyramid at Dahshur
is the most notable exception. Very impressive engineering though.
Don't forget the ruined pyramid at Meidum - built too steep ( perhaps the
aliens were on "SMASH" ) and the other "stepped" pyramids.The pyramids
the 5th dynasty were very poor , with rough quarried stone not squared ;
whilst those of the middle kingdom were built by the equivalent of our
modern "cowboy" builders - Amenemhat III 's at Dahsur ( not your bent one )
was made of mud brick and has mostly crumbled - perhaps they held an early
"big brother" programme there.
There again, perhaps they used pee cees.
Whoever the aliens were they should be ashamed - 42 !!!????