One of my Fall projects is to figure out why my Data
I/O 29A isn't
working. It's been sitting for years and when I got it out last year,
it didn't pass self-test. I need to spend some time looking over the
posts in that group to see if my symptoms are common.
The diagnostics are pretty good, and the service manual for the base + pack of choice will
get you through it! Let me know if you can't get it going.
That said, unless you need to program stuff other than
2716-27512 and
up in that line, an old Data I/O is probably not what you need. If
you need to program chips made before 1985, then it might be a good
Agreed, not necessary to go with a Data I/O if you don't need to program old or weird
stuff. And certainly not at the price of that eBay one, with the limited pack it has, and
no front panel/display.