On 27/11/2015 19:38, "Terry Stewart" <terry at webweavers.co.nz> wrote:
This self-satirizing flow diagram reflecting my
experiences testing
computers in my collection may (or may not) amuse some on this forum. I'm
sure at least some can relate to the scenarios though...
That's what I've been doing for the last 2 months, all centred around fixing
a PET4032. What started out as a 'well this hasn't worked since I got it in
2000, let's have a go' has turned into my living room and kitchen covered in
electronic bits as I find things I'd forgotten about while looking for
widget X or doofer Y and sources for missing/broken component Z. Add one
tick for finding a Mac Plus with leaky caps and a soon-to-explode mains
filter cap.
Then I discovered I could use a ZX Spectrum board as a 4116 RAM tester with
suitable mods for dual-boot ROMs etc so I've spent 2 weeks finding every
Spectrum I have and fixing/cleaning up the ones that have bit-rotted away
while discovering an awful lot I didn't know about these comparatively
simple playthings.
Today it's all going to come together and hopefully the outcome will be a
fully working PET4032 and an extra diagnostic tool to add to the collection.
Of course we all know something ELSE unexpected will happen.
Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
Www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the UK's biggest private home computer