I once saw screws which looked a bit like Robertson (the
square-socket kind) but with a triangular, not square, socket.
Those turn up on
cheap domestic appliances over here. The only
possile reason for them is to make the device difficult to repair,
I disagree. There is also an argument for them in the form of
protecting consumers from the dangerous interiors of appliances.
And I'll disagree with the disagreement :-). I don't believe you should
protect people from their own actions. If they want to get electrocuted,
that's their business. The _real_ problem is that the person (if he
lives) or his relatives then sues the manufacturer. The sooner such
lawsuits are sent where they belong the better!
This is a particularly sore point with me as it's often used as a reason
not to sell me spare parts and/or a service manual Of course you and I
know I am more likely to do a safe repair if I have the exact spare part
than if I have to guess characteristics and find something that 'should
work'. I am more likely to do a safe repair if I have the service manual.
But alas by not helping me the manufactuer can't be sued if I do
something silly, so he's not going to provide parts/information.
Of course, depending on the appliance, this may not
actually be a valid
argument. But if there's mains voltage present, it's an argument with
some force to it. (While you and I may be competent to fix things, and
competent to avoid hurting ourselves even in cases where we aren't able
to fix, most small-appliance consumers are neither. Worse, many of
them incorrectly think they are.)
I've got plenty of things (not computer-related) that are more than 50
years old. None of them have any non-standard screws holding them
together. Many of them contain mains and/or higher voltages. Live chassis
(AC/DC) power supplies in valve radios and TVs were common. And yet I
don't believe everybody who owned such a device ended up killing
themselves trying to repair it.
Not that I think such screws are a good idea; like you, I come down
opposing them. Just pointing out that your "only possi[b]le reason"
actually isn't.
An Allen wrench of the right size should work. The one device I ran
I've not found one that will fit well enough not to slip (and I have a
pretty complete set of imperial and metric sizes).