Holm Tiffe wrote:
nierveze wrote:
hello thanks for your precisions,I am also doing
the same
a few ideas:for the dc inverter what not use icl7660 ,they can give
you -12v,
you can get free samples from Maxim,just register on their site,I
frequently use those circuits for gaasfet lnas (I am a ham also)
Ok, have som 7660 already, but I have to investigate first if they can give
the required current.
http://katalogy.ic.cz/MHB1012.html means that I need
14mA for one IC, want to use 2 of them.
Ok, I've found some peaces of VA12-12 DC/DC Converters from reliability
inc in my "stock". They make +-12V out of 5V, used them already for an 2708
Programmer that works well. The 7660 gives a to small output current, read
the datasheets minutes before.. Now I can use 1488/1489 as V.24
Transceivers :-)
Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,
www.tsht.de, Holm Tiffe,
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www.tsht.de, info at tsht.de, Fax +49 3731 74200, Mobil: 0172 8790 741