Zane -? ?thanks? for? reminder.? Yes? this? scanner? ? goes? scssi? to? a? large? cofax?
processing? card that is? supposed? to? do? fast? working magic... but? die? to faster?
?PC and CPU? speeds? today? may not? be? really needed? or? will HANG!
We? do? use the? vuscan? for? ?use? with a? hp scanner that? has a? 4x5? negative? scanner
attachment on it.? ?It? will scan? ?35 mm? to? 4x5....? ?really? not? ?great resolution?
for? 35 mm to? 11x14? size? ?but? ?for? ?4x5? to? 11x14? or? 8x10? ?works? just? ?fine.
Zane? yea? amazing I was? going to? ?scrap? that? scanner? now it is a part of the
I DO? WANT? A? EPSON 800 series that? goes up to 8x10? someday......though.....?
(Back in my? youth? in the mid 70s I? did? ?advertising photography? for? products and? ?
brochures? etc... and? ?many? people wanted? ? ?image of n? 4x5 transparency ... some?
required? 8x10? even.? ?8x10? not? cheap? to? shoot.... $5 a? sheet? purchase? and $5? a
sheet? processing? if? you? took to? lab. )
OK? ? so? for? my? 4x5? stuff? ?this old? scanner? works and? also we? have ad? shots to?
be scanned? at museum too ... one? example is the? REGENCY ( IDEA ELECTRONICS)? ad? shot?
transparency collection? ( They made? first transistor? radio and all kids of? great?
goodies? ... uhf converters, radio transceivers, public services band monitors? and
more-)? Now? if? any other of? you have? anything? on? Ektachrome? ?scan it? now since as?
time progresses the? colors? will get? even crappier!!!!? ? I love? really old? ?4x5?
KODACHROME? ?transparencies? the? colors are still? a beauty... the? reds are? majestic
and vibrant!! ( search? internet? for? some of the? WW2? color? stuff...? amazing)?
reason?? Aniline? dies? ?in Kodachrome vs? the crappy>ass organic? dyes in the
Ektachrome)....? Anyway...? Message here ... scan any and all color? materials now? not?
later as most? will just? get? worse? but Kodachrome? not? as? bad? and? EVERY other?
we? got a? large? group of? Burroughs? 35mm? ad? shots? on? transparency that are in the?
Q? ?for? scanning...? pc? mini and mainframe? all across? the board.? stuff? will?
definite? print up better than? scans? from magazines when I? need? a? photo? ?for a?
In a message dated 12/19/2018 9:15:44 AM US Mountain Standard Time, healyzh at writes:
On Dec 19, 2018, at 12:49 AM, ED SHARPE via cctalk
<cctalk at> wrote:
I wonder if I will face theses issuea with the cof ax scanner software and a megabux
retired scanner we were gifted.. .. thing Is bw only..
With old scanners, always look at what the I/O interface is, and see if it?s a model of
scanner supported by VueScan. VueScan is *amazing* and produces results that are about as
good as SilverFast with my Epson V850 Pro. It also keeps some vintage scanners around here