On 26 Sep 2012 at 11:54, Chris Tofu wrote:
?C:The first uwave ovens had computers in them. We got
our first
around 1980.
Nope. Mechanical timers. Google "Amana Radarange". The RR-1 though
RR-5 (circa 1967-75) all had two mechanical timer dials--a 5 minute
dial and a 25 minute dial, which were additive. No door safety
latches until about 1973. I just diassembled a 1975 Amana and found
a TMS-1000 MCU in it (PMOS). Only two TTL ICs in it--both 7447s.
The early Amanas used electromagnets, rather than permanent magnets
on the magnetron, which made them *very* heavy.
Microcontrollers made it into commercial ovens *much* later.