Don't use reddit. Any site hosting child pornography and rape images for money
doesn't deserve users. Google for "violentacerz" and "creepshots"
to see what I am referring to. They try to justify this as "freedom of speech"
and claim women have no right to complain about sexual exploitation of their image.
They're a sick, sad, exploitative organization and should be avoided by any means.
On Dec 2, 2012, at 7:13 PM, mc68010 <mc68010 at> wrote:
If you haven't heard of you probably
should have. It's a user generated social media site with categories for just about
any crazy thing you can imagine and lots of things nobody should ever imagine. Anyway they
have a vintage computer "subreddit"
that looks like it could use a lot more activity and content.
If you are looking to teach the young kids a thing or two about computing history might
be a good place to show off your collection or share your knowledge. They seem to be
impressed by just about anything older than 5 years.