Due to family medical issues I have to downsize and move into a retirement facility at the
end of this month. The following are available for local pick up only in the Boston MA
metro west region. I can be reached off-list at john at forecast.name.
DEC VT180 with 4 floppy drives
Includes HSC Inc?s CO16 8086 coprocessor with 256KB memory
Full hardware documentation for the CO16
Bios User?s Guide
CP/M Operating System Manual
Multiplan Manuals
Microsoft M80/L80 Manua
MBasic VT180 v5.21 Reference manual
No software available. If/When I find the software I will make it available to whoever
takes this system.
Digital Research CP/M Plus distribution (includes 8? floppies)
Acorn RISC OS 3 Programmers Reference Manuals
Volumes 1 - 5 + Style Guide
(This does not appear to be available on Bitsavers)
Apple Inside Macintosh
Volumes 1 - 6
Quicktime components
Communications toolbox
Apple Resedit reference
Minix Software
Minix 1.5 for Macintosh (including disks)
Minix for the Atari ST
Minix Binaries and Sources for IBM PC/AT (5?? floppies)
Miscellaneous Macintosh Software (Pre MacOS)
At Ease
Kid Pix
Kid Pix Companion
Sim City
Sim Town
Sim City 2000
Sim City 2000 Scenarios - Vol 1 Great Disasters
Sim City Urban Renewal Kit
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Disk Doubler
Auto Doubler
Hard Disk Toolkit
Reader Rabbit
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Bronze
Think C Version 5
Think Reference
Miscellaneous Macintosh Books (Pre MacOS)
The Apple Macintosh Book by Cary Lu
Hypercard Developers Guide
Miscellaneous Atari ST Software
Balance Of Power
Omnires Monitor
PC Ditto
Miscellaneous Atari ST Books
Atari ST Internals
Programmer?s Reference Guide
Atari 400/800 Disk Operating System Reference Manual
Atari 810 Disk Drive Operators Manual