First, what a horrible, horrible thing to be going through, Sellam. I
can't imagine the stress and shock you must be enduring right now.
Like several people have said, despite your preferences on the matter,
you really do need a pit-bull "good old boy" lawyer to go out and get
this matter under control asap. You need to do this pronto. Only a
good ole boy can work things out with good ole boys. You need a lawyer
well connected, who golfs with the judges, etc. The more expensive,
the better (unfortunately but true).
Next, did you have insurance on your facility? If so, I presume you've
contacted them? Ideally, if you had insurance, they'd fight the entire
battle for you. If you did not, this will stand as an extremely painful
lesson in the risks of not carrying it.
I don't know you at all, but I feel for you. Things like this don't
happen because we want them to or really through negligence.. they just
sometimes are forced upon us by circumstance.
Sell, sell, sell. Get money. Get a lawyer. You will not win this
by yourself.. and if you are in a highly conservative area, even just
your name (sadly) is going to hinder you.
Best of luck.
John S.