Damn, i was unaware of that. I grew up in east Texas
(closest other home was about 12 miles from us). I
used to catch horned toads all the time. I used to
love the new born ones, about the size of a dime. We
would see them all over the place.
Kinda sad...
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:04:11 -0500 (CDT)
Doc Shipley <doc(a)mdrconsult.com> wrote:
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Sellam Ismail wrote:
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, David Barnes wrote:
Now if I could only have trained her to go after
ants I would have kept her around :)
Amen. Here in Texas, the fire ant invasion is
killing off all manner
of native life. When I was a kid in West Texas,
horned toads were literally as common as cockroaches.
Unfortunately, their primary
delicacy is ants, and they'll sit by a mound or an
ant trail and pick the ants off. You can imagine
what happens when a horny toad does that on a fire
ant mound. Fire ants will swarm an intruder, and are
venomous enough to make even a human adult ill, if
there are enough bites. A horned toad is easy
Horned toads are on the endangered species list
now, and nobody I know
has even seen one in ten years. As far as I know or
have been able to find out, there aren't any
"civilization" related factors in their impending
extinction. Just those blasted ants.