Trying terribly hard to resist a response to this
thread, the origin of which I'm not even aware of (it
probably looked like all the rest of the goofy spam
I've been getting (no I don't have these posts sent to
a different folder, and in fact do not have ANYTHING
any longer sent to different folders, not even the
spam. One great big smorgasbord.)), I forge on...
I used to work with a guy years ago, who in fact was
a supervisor, who in fact was Jewish. In the midst of
some conversation we were having, something I said was
misunderstood, to which I replied "what did you think
I said?". Now, being born and raised in New York (and
YES I do make a point of pronouncing most of *most of*
my R's, and never once in my life have uttered the
syllables comprising the detestable YAWK), I'll type
something, but it comes out of my mouth sometimes ;)
differently. And I've probably been guilty of all 3 of
the following mispronounciations:
"what did yuh think I said?"
"what did juh think I said?"
"what did joo think I said?"
Frankly, I can't remember which I was guilty of on
that particular day, but I guess my friend figured it
was time for a good gafaw, and replied "WHO ARE YOU
CALLING A JEW!". And believe you me, we both laughed
good and hard. I probably got a little red faced to
Does this have anything to do with the origin of the
thread? Like I said I can't tell you. Seemed as
appropriate as any other way to *hopefully* end it though.
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