David Griffith wrote:
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008, Christian Corti wrote:
> What I want to know is when the US and Canada
will get with the program and
> start using ISO paper sizes like everyone else :-)
A3 paper is on display at my local Officemax. No A4 though.
Weird. I don't mind it with screws and stuff as generally they need to cross
borders less - it's a pain in the butt having to tweak anything that might
need to be printed for different markets, though.
Something I'd like to see is a serious effort to
get rid of phillips
screws. The damn things strip out easily, slip out easily, and require
considerable pushing. Hex screws are okay, but when they get tiny, they
too will strip easily. Square-head or torx would be best.
I noticed the other day that Home Depot sells hex screws - I almost stocked up
(rivets/nails are just a complete nightmare)! I don't mind Phillips if I know
the job and so know I'm not going to be putting too much torque on things.