shapeways.com and
and for modeling I use openscad. you do not draw, you program and add or
substract cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc. and because it is procedural,
you can nest and reuse parts of models.
and if you print with ABS, you can polish the result.
On 26-01-15 21:16, Ali wrote:
Hey that is a
good idea :) Man these 3d printers are so awesome!
Its getting to the point where, one could 3d print anything.
Yes, 3D printers are very cool especially with this hobby. The problem, at
least for someone like me, is that I can't design the items that need to be
printed. For example, the capstan would be about as far as I could go
assuming I had measurements from a "good one" since it is just a cylinder.
What would be needed is an easy to use/store/search file format and database
where people with talent could put in the "parts" you could print at home or
local store. Of course then you have to worry about copyright infringement.
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Simon Claessen