I find that 330 ohms to ground part a bit odd.
327 ohms to Vcc is
ok; Zilog specs (if I recall correctly) a 330 ohm pullup on the clk
Is it not plausible that 330 ohms to ground represents 327 ohms to Vcc
plus three ohms Vcc-to-GND?
I would be suporised if this thing drew a steady 1.6A from the 5V line,
which would imply that this '3 ohms' is not a fixed resistor. And most of
the tiem (read : except for very odd cirucits), things draw less current
when yoy measure their resistance with a DMM.
Are htese reisstnace measurements essentially the same if you swap the
probes round?
Also, is this with the device on the PCB or removed? If the former, then I
could well beleive that the 'resistance' between the supply lines was 3